Clovermist Vault Toilets

Call for a quote on transportation costs from Newell, SD
GSA Contracts will receive a 3% discount on less than 10 units,
Contract GS-07F-0389V
5% discount on greater than 10 units.
Prices effective January 1, 2016
Boom Concrete Vault Toilet Contract

Boom Concrete Vault Toilet Reference
State of South Dakota
Paul Beckwith
Senior Park Planner
SD Game, Fish & Parks
Vista Recreation
Mark & Tara Mestrez
Regional Operations Director
(MN, WI, MI, NH, KY, ME)
USDA-FS Coconino & Kaibab NF
Raymond Holt
Forest Engineer
Nebraska Game and Parks
Jackson County Parks, MI
Jack McCloughan
Parks Superintendent
White Bear Construction
Amanda Hoy – President
PO Box 174
Alturus CA, 96101
Colusa County
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services
Casey Custer
Facility Manager-Chincoteague NWR
Morton County
Tim Nilsen
Parks Director
US Army Garrison
Vault Toilet Specifications